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Worst Feeling, Best Feeling

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    Originally posted by heartbreaka72 View Post
    best feeling: having sexy time with your boyfriend

    worst feeling: hearing sister come downstairs towards your room and having to run in the bathroom for cover

    Best: Finding that song you've been searching for so long.

    Worst: sitting in something wet.


      best:head from the girl your in love with

      worst:the girl that you were in love with breaks your heart after being together for almost 3 years...

      (true story )



        best feeling: that certain someone finally comes around!!!
        worst feeling:you realize you still have a girlfriend and she just told you SHE'S PREGNANT !!

        Forward five years later. Why God Why?!?
        South Texas M_thaf_cka, that's where I stay!

        Check out my Frost White CB


          Your friend buying you a shot of Everclear after your last day of the worst job you ever had.

          Not having a chase, which results in falling off bar-stool, and or your face turning inside out.


            best feeling: when its cold you go leave your bed to do something and comeback your bed is still warm.

            worst feeling: leaving your warm bed on a cold day

            best feeling: smoking a showoff tc driver

            worst feeling: if you lose to one.


              True story

              Best feeling: You think you blew your motor so you do a compression test cyl 1 and 2 are good. Knowing that cyl 3 is the one that normally blows so your expecting to see 70psi or lower and it is at 180. So you think to yourself yes motor is not blown

              Worst feeling: You go to cyl 4 and see the compression at 70 psi and feel like shit because you thought you had won but instead you didn't.
              FSAE (F Series Accord Enthusiasts) ..."A dying breed thats taking it to the next level" Lucky #13
              MR Thread:


                Best Feeling: being happy your car is boosted. you take a ride down to your tuner that is 100 miles away. know your car is all top notch now. your hitting the throttle, its shooting you back to your seat. its the best feeling.

                Worst Feeling: your car breaks down after 15miles on the highway. you find out your exhaust wrapped your oil line to the manifold and the line melted, causing a big oil leak.
                miss my turbo cb7
                moved onto volvos. dont know how that happened, just did


                  Best: Finally winning that very elusive H23 IM on eBay.
                  Worst: Seller cancels and makes up stories just coz he wants more money for it.


                    Best: Getting a good deal on rims in immaculate condition.
                    Worst: curb rash in less than a week.


                      Originally posted by WilliamW View Post
                      Best feeling: Getting to eat your favorite habanero sloppy Joy you've been waiting for and having a Monster Slupree from 7/11.

                      Worst feeling: Waking up in the middle of the night with green flaming shits that just wont stop.
                      holy shit!!! that one had me laughin so hard i was alomost in tears!!!!!

                      Best: out running a nissan sentra you were sure was gonna kill you
                      Worst: havin to limp your broke ass car cuz you finished off your tranny


                        best: owning g2 integra

                        worst: wet pass. floor when it rains


                          Best: Finally going to Uni.. being the first in between your sis and bros to go

                          worst: finding out that a girl i like .. has the same feelings.. and im moving for school
                          R.I.P Mulberry Red Pearl 90'ex
                          SASKCB7 Tuner

                          Searching for a CB7, within 1000m of me


                            Best: Looking at the hottie next to you in the celica at the light as she give you the "catch me if you can" look...

                            Worst: Stalling out when the light goes green and never seeing her again...


                              Originally posted by Flatline View Post
                              Best: Looking at the hottie next to you in the celica at the light as she give you the "catch me if you can" look...

                              Worst: Stalling out when the light goes green and never seeing her again...

                              and i thought i had it bad .. tough luck bro.. next time
                              R.I.P Mulberry Red Pearl 90'ex
                              SASKCB7 Tuner

                              Searching for a CB7, within 1000m of me


                                Best feeling: Finally dating the girl of your dreams

                                Worst feeling: Living 3 provinces away

                                Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life

