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Losing my two oldest sons tomorrow

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    Losing my two oldest sons tomorrow

    Tomorrow evening I'm putting my two oldest boys on a plane to Florida. They want to go live with their mother. She lives down there because a couple years ago, she decided to go live with some bisexual asshat. He was the maintenance man at a hotel I did security for, and I TOLD her he would screw her over. He's even told her that I was being honest with her. He's a greasy, shady bastard, an opportunist, and a scam artist. I even directed her to talk to some of the hotel guests he had been involved with, so she wouldn't think I was making stuff up.
    He has screwed her over repeatedly and so badly I can't even take pleasure in it. Dumped her at least three times (she keeps falling for his bullshit): once for his boyfriend, once for his estranged wife, and I think once for shits and giggles.
    She barely makes enough money to keep herself going, so the boys want to move down there, get jobs and help her out. I'm very proud of them for this, but they're still kids, they shouldn't have to help her.

    For days now, it's been all I could do not to burst into tears over this. I'm angry, devastated, sad, betrayed... I knew they would grow up and move out in a few years, but I always thought it would be with my foot in their ass, not my heart in their hands.


    So, he has a boyfriend, a wife, now a girlfriend?
    And their mother actually thought this was a good idea?

    Sure, your sons are being men by helping.
    But, they need to also take into consideration she put herself in this situation.

    1999 BMW M3
    2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
    2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
    2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


      Wow, that's fucked up dude, sorry to hear it. Kudos for your boys wanting to help their mom, but like you said, they're kids, they shouldn't have to help her. I mean, afterall, that's what her "boyfriend" is for, I mean, that's what any semi-respectable man would do, take care of him and his...

      Keep your head up man...


        very admirable but they have to think of themselves too. im sure missing their mother is fueling this as well. i hope they dont get in trouble w/ that idiot around


          Maybe they will get down there and not like it.


            dude im sorry to hear that. im glad your sons are trying to take care of there mom but seriously i hope she doesn't rely on their income to support her. you know like quit working and make them work. cuz that would suck even worse.
            Maple50175 - you're annoying =P
            Brandoncb7 - I don't mean to come across like an ass but I see why you irritate Aaron now.
            JoshM - Crotch rocket = chick magnet.


              How old are your sons BTW?


                16 and 14. Just babies. lol


                  Originally posted by visualpoet View Post
                  16 and 14. Just babies. lol
                  A 14 year old wanting to work to support his mom's bad decision?
                  She needs a reality check big time.

                  1999 BMW M3
                  2001 Honda CR-V SE RT4WD
                  2005 Chevrolet Tahoe Z71
                  2015 Suzuki V-Strom 650


                    I hate to hear that happened but I guess the only good or positive aspect in this is that you have not raised boys, you have raised men.....young men but men indeed. Any man will help a woman in destress if he feels the need, especially their mother. So I have much respect for your young men but I also hate that their childhood is shorten by this decision. I hope everything works out and I cant even imagine the pain you're feeling right now but I'll keep you in my prayers. STAY UP.
                    Dont drive faster than your gaurdian angel can fly


                      Oh and as for him Karma is a bitch, I know and I'm sure everyone else does as well.....He'll get back everything he puts out
                      Dont drive faster than your gaurdian angel can fly


                        You raised some great boys, to be willing to do that much. If my dad didn't pass away when he did, I would've dropped school to help him keep our house. It's tough, but it's what kids do when they're needed... if they're raised right.

                        Be proud. Be sad. But know they're your sons. They aren't leaving you because they don't want to be with you. They're leaving you because you're strong, and they're strong... and their mother isn't.

                        Be sure they know that they don't HAVE to do this. That they always have a place in your home, and they're welcome back at any time. Hopefully, their sense of responsibility and compassion will be accompanied by the sense to know when a situation is helpless. It sounds like their mother can't and won't help herself... and she'll drag them down with her if they let her. HOPEFULLY, if they can't help... they'll walk.


                          you bastards made me cry.



                            Stay strong. You have kids to be proud of and everything happens for a reason. I know that sounds cliche, but there is some truth to it.

                            Boosted H22
                            375whp 298 ft/lbs at 15psi



                              move to florida, we're a pretty big crew down here!!!!

                              you only live once, just do what makes you happy!


