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Obama girl vs Mccain Girls

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    Originally posted by fatboy1185
    obama is gonna punsh the white man
    MLK Treatment will fix that.




        Originally posted by Fake Thug
        Well since this thread that was suppose to be funny like pretty much took a nose dive, I'll have to go ahead and ask you enlighten me on this experience of Mccain and inexperience of Obama the minority.
        McCain has been in the NATIONAL government since 1982 when he was first elected to the US House. 1986 was elected to be a US Senator. Not to mention all of his service to our country with the Navy.

        Obama has been in the Senate for 3 years, 1.5 of which he has been running for President. If there is anything else it is on the local or maybe state level. He has his skin color and his grandmother that he initally called "a typical white woman" and now he has changed it to "the woman that put everything she had into rasing me." Just shows that he is willing to throw his own family in front of the bus. His pastorS have show racist tendencies, vommiting racial thoughts from within the church. Obama was a member of this church of 20 YEARS, he knew exactly what was going on, or he would NOT have stuck around for 20 YEARS!

        I wasn't around for Jimmy Carter's term as President but I have read about it and Obama sounds like Jimmy Carter JR. wanting to sit down with terrorists and negotiate. That has been tried and proven that it does not work with those kind of people.

        And last but not least there is his Mrs. Obama, who has NEVER been proud of this great country until HER MINORITY HUSBAND is running for President.



          Originally posted by fatboy1185
          obama is gonna punsh the white man

          considering most of his "relevant" supporters are just that, its not likely.


            so, what happened with the whole girls topic?


              Originally posted by MadSpleen85

              Old and experienced > young, inexperienced and a minority

              I can't even beleive you just said that. 'Cause the dudes a minority that makes him any less capable. I don't even like the guy, I really wanted Hillary in... I really do think less of you as a person after that.
              Finally Up and Running. Numbers to Follow. Check my MR


                Originally posted by mayberry
                I can't even beleive you just said that. 'Cause the dudes a minority that makes him any less capable. I don't even like the guy, I really wanted Hillary in... I really do think less of you as a person after that.
                I don't see skin color, you could be green or pink for all I care. HOWEVER there are people that are blinded by skin color and that alone makes all their decisions. Skin color HAS ZERO input in my decision of who I will vote for, I am above that level and look at policy and experience over skin color.

                I NEVER said that because he is a minority he would be a poor choice for President. I would love to see a minority President of this country. He/She would just need to be more inline with my views to get my vote.


                  Originally posted by MadSpleen85
                  McCain has been in the NATIONAL government since 1982 when he was first elected to the US House. 1986 was elected to be a US Senator. Not to mention all of his service to our country with the Navy.

                  Obama has been in the Senate for 3 years, 1.5 of which he has been running for President. If there is anything else it is on the local or maybe state level. He has his skin color and his grandmother that he initally called "a typical white woman" and now he has changed it to "the woman that put everything she had into rasing me." Just shows that he is willing to throw his own family in front of the bus. His pastorS have show racist tendencies, vommiting racial thoughts from within the church. Obama was a member of this church of 20 YEARS, he knew exactly what was going on, or he would NOT have stuck around for 20 YEARS!

                  I wasn't around for Jimmy Carter's term as President but I have read about it and Obama sounds like Jimmy Carter JR. wanting to sit down with terrorists and negotiate. That has been tried and proven that it does not work with those kind of people.

                  And last but not least there is his Mrs. Obama, who has NEVER been proud of this great country until HER MINORITY HUSBAND is running for President.


                  I respect your opinion and you. That being said that sounds like something Fox news propergated. What executive experience does John MCcain have? A willing admition to not knowing economics macro,micro basics. How is this possible when you have been in US gorvernment for that long? I know what Obama's excuse is, what's Mccains?

                  And honestly his navy experience is not that relevant. Naval Officers are more political than actual foot soldiers or warfighters. Had he actually been on the ground and not the sky on bombing raids(which he was a marginal pilot at best) mingoing with indegineous peoples and at the same time killing them he would realize that war is hell.

                  Any attempt to perpuate it and want to be in it for 100 years is insane. Quite in fact. The exact definition. If wars could be won it would be immidiately. Sure Obama has little experience, but the advantage to not being a career politician and being inbedded into the DC system is being able to look inside from the outside.

                  Since your scale of thought is not limited to the circle box that is DC politics and system corruption you can easily tell whats wrong and maybe find a real way to fix it without getting sucked in. About obamas peoples how do you know they are racist? They Charged the "gorvernement" of the U.S with various accustions which none of them can be proved but at the same time they cannot be disproved.

                  The problem is people take offense too easily. Instead of actually listening to what Rev Wright said most people like Sean "bitchmade" Hannity insist on catching feelings and going on a tirade about nothing while taking his words out of context. Lets not forget the United states of America's not so good RECENT history. Michelle Obama is at an age where she actually LIVED through those time.

                  Any suprise that her point of view might be a little tainted as say opposed to a white male? If she lived through discrimation back when it was blatant and in your face what reason does she have to be proud of a country that mistreats her? When that same country actually considers a minorty for POTUS.


                    Originally posted by AG17CB7
                    so, what happened with the whole girls topic?


                      Originally posted by Fake Thug
                      And honestly his navy experience is not that relevant. Naval Officers are more political than actual foot soldiers or warfighters. Had he actually been on the ground and not the sky on bombing raids(which he was a marginal pilot at best) mingoing with indegineous peoples and at the same time killing them he would realize that war is hell.....

                      ....Lets not forget the United states of America's not so good RECENT history. Michelle Obama is at an age where she actually LIVED through those time.

                      Any suprise that her point of view might be a little tainted as say opposed to a white male? If she lived through discrimation back when it was blatant and in your face what reason does she have to be proud of a country that mistreats her? When that same country actually considers a minorty for POTUS.
                      I have a good friend who is a minority (he is African American). His family has been in this country for 4 generations. They were in the country and lived back and forth between Mississippi and Alabama during the height of the Civil Rights movements of MLK's time. They know what discrimination is, they were there. However they have always loved the fact that in this country you are allowed to give your opinion without being persecuted because of it. All 4 of the generations of this family have served in the Military and NONE of them were drafted, they all willingly enlisted.

                      Serving in the armed forces in this or any other country is IMO the most Patriotic thing you can do for the country that you are defending. Whether you are a on the ground hunting terrorists, flying over providing air support or keeping the peace back in the homeland as a Police Officer. The armed forces is a choice. Putting on that uniform every morning is a conscious decision and you have to put the risk of being killed in the back of your mind.

                      As for McCain's "not realizing that war is hell," John McCain was a Prisoner of War for 5 1/2 years, from 1967 through 1973. If you want me to believe that McCain's time as a POW was even somewhat enjoyable you are sadly mistaken and need to come out of your hole and read about what POW's were and still are put through by their captors.


                        I endorse the Obama girl over the McCain girls. It has nothing to do with politics... I just have good taste in women


                          i dont know but id fuck the shit out of obama girl. that tongu ring would be perfect when she sucks the weenie.

                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.




                              Wow this topic went from cool - politicaly lame real fast it was ment to be funny not flame central
                              R.I.P Mulberry Red Pearl 90'ex
                              SASKCB7 Tuner

                              Searching for a CB7, within 1000m of me


                                Honestly, what has "experience" ever gained anyone while being president, except a better shot at getting the seat? I consider myself a Republican in most things, but honestly, I like Obama. Much of the reason IS his lack of experience. I think he will be less biased towards the things that have brought the current administration alot of trouble (like being accused of being in bed with Big Business).

                                Also, to comment a little on McCain's age, he is very old, and while he has served the country as a senator for 22 years now, you have to wonder if the same things that started to affect Reagan at the end of his term will creep up on McCain. Alzheimers sets on FAST (My grandmother has it, and in the 8 or 9months Ive known that, her memory has started to fail to the point where she cant remember what questions she already asked me in the conversation were having). Im not saying that McCain will be afflicted with that, however, it is something to think about when electing someone of his age. I dont think his physical condition should come into it, unless he seems in serious risk of death from that, which from what I can tell, he isnt.

                                And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
                                Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.

