Hey, The names Andre. I live in Hick town filled with Canadian redneck's and their drunk offspring. Extremely small import scene so me and my friends have taken the liberty and modding our cars (what can be done for little or no money-17-own insurance) and i work in my driveway repairing other vechicles so sadly my CB7 doesnt exacly recieve the attention it deserves. Hardest feat to accomplish: Changing timing belt + Head Gasket and the crank pulley snapped in 2. This is with a jaw puller. Freaked me out when it sanpped and a chunk of metal hit me in the goggles. Needless to say when the accord is done I hope to get together for a CB7 meet. Later
Hey, The names Andre. I live in Hick town filled with Canadian redneck's and their drunk offspring. Extremely small import scene so me and my friends have taken the liberty and modding our cars (what can be done for little or no money-17-own insurance) and i work in my driveway repairing other vechicles so sadly my CB7 doesnt exacly recieve the attention it deserves. Hardest feat to accomplish: Changing timing belt + Head Gasket and the crank pulley snapped in 2. This is with a jaw puller. Freaked me out when it sanpped and a chunk of metal hit me in the goggles. Needless to say when the accord is done I hope to get together for a CB7 meet. Later