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F*ck honda tech jesus christ.

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    F*ck honda tech jesus christ.

    So I posted a thread on (do you think these wheels would look good on my car? just to get some opinions and my thread gets closed and this is what he said:

    From the rules:

    Quote, originally posted by Wheel and Tire Forum Rules »
    (NOTE: These rules can and will be enforced with Point Deduction, if deemed necessary!)

    0. THIS IS NOT A FOR SALE FORUM. Classified listings should be posted in the marketplace forums, not here.

    1. Check the FAQ for answers before you post a new topic.

    2. Search! You'd be amazed how many things have been covered before. Be sure to try "Archived Topics" too. Try Google as well!

    3. When asking a question please include all details that are necessary (car, wheel size, intended use, etc) for someone to make informed response.

    4. When starting a topic, make the title specific enough that people scanning the list of forum topics will know what's inside. "Need help" or "have a question" are not specific enough. We will rename threads in ways that you might not like. If you violate this rule, we will call you a clueless tool who didn't bother reading the FAQ topic stickied at the top of this forum.

    4b. Do not use all capital letters in thread titles.

    5. No for sale ads or requests.

    6. This is a technical forum, please keep it that way. I will be accepting picture request threads until the archive fills up.

    6b. No opinion threads for the appearance of wheels (e.g. "Which wheel will look better on my car?", "What color wheels should I get?")

    7. Bump once and if you still don't get the info you're looking for just let it die, don't bump it again. If you bump the topic a second time, the topic will be locked and you will lose points. Think about this - this means that if you use your single bump on your topic after an hour, when it's still at or near the top of the forum topic list anyway, it will be wasted when it doesn't accomplish anything for you.

    8. This is, a place for sharing information about Honda and Acura cars. This isn't the place for information about wheels and tires for your grandmother's Buick or your son's Mustang; there are other websites that specialize in those cars, where people will have more specific expertise with those cars than here.

    9. Be courteous and act like an adult, in posts in the forum as well as with any interactions with moderators. Keep the profanity to a mininum (it's best avoided entirely) and leave the text message abbreviations on your cell phone, not here. No insults or personal attacks, please; point deductions will result from such incidents, with a ban possible for repeat offenses. If you disagree with a post, just state your own opinion and reasons for thinking so.


    Come on wayne you know better than that. It's not just honda-tech, those kind of threads are fucking stupid anyway.


      well i have no idea if Rota Flights would look good on my car... so yeah photoshop them


        you broke a rule...
        you thread got closed for it...

        why are you complaining? lol


          Originally posted by DoctorCipher
          Come on wayne you know better than that. It's not just honda-tech, those kind of threads are fucking stupid anyway.


            Originally posted by N9netwoAccord
            you broke a rule...
            you thread got closed for it...

            why are you complaining? lol
            Agreed. It's in the rules... not like it's just the moderator's whim.

            And I do agree... those threads are stupid. I'll delete them if I find them in the Beginner Forums, because they're a waste of space... and posts.

            You're a computer savvy guy... photoshop some on yourself. Or just find a picture of them on a similar car... they aren't exactly uncommon wheels.

            When I got my Hanabis, I had no idea how they'd look. I thought they would look good, and dammit... I was right!


              Yup, pretty much broke their rules...


                If you don't follow the rules, there will be consequences.
                Raceline USA


                  SHoulda posted in APC

                  H-T is a fucking clique and a half anyways, I don't even bother outside of GDD (also cause I don't have a Honda.)

                  Originally posted by lordoja
                  im with you on that one bro! aint nothing beat free food and drinks any day of the week, even if its at a funeral


                    I think you should file a lawsuit toward them and make them change that rule lolz! hahaha.

                    The New-ish Ride
                    My old Ride
                    Hear my Vtak!!!
                    MK3 Member #3
                    I piss off people for fun.
                    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                      x2 on all above said, but come on man..why you over there anyway?

                      It might just be me, but it seems that CB7tuner has fallen into a crack because this is the only site ive found that isnt full of douche bags, and its the only place ive come across tuners who werent douche bags in real life either.

                      If youre a douche bag tuner and wanna join a site, you join HT.


                      KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                      Originally posted by Jarrett
                      Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                        h-t has some dickheads ur bound to have some when there are over 200,000 members..... the guys over there tend to be more about cars then a lot of other sites.... i spend a lot of time over there getting inspiration...

                        "Tucking tires and wires."
                        The Chronicles.


                          I imagine there are some cool members over there, and some nice cars as well, but it just seems that they have a notorious rep for being assholes.

                          I mean, i could care less since i never go over there, and probably for that reason.

                          KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            ive found a few on their i chat w/ but i never had made a thread for help. other like off the wall stuff to see how dumb the replies are for entertainment, lol

