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ICE vs. Hispanics Que es un REform eh?

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    ICE vs. Hispanics Que es un REform eh?

    If I knew how to make a Poll I would.

    Its how Blacks feel on ICE. That was googled from Immigrant and Customs Enforcement Racial. And the list really does continue. This is particular to the act of blackfacing, a stupid fucking joke.

    Take this in to consideration. You are shopping then get taken away offgaurd in handcuffs and read your rights. As you're hauled off respected people talk about your dignity. Then you are strip searched harassed and placed in a line up. Only to find out that you are the exact same person police thought match a description. You are let free to go.

    Now consider these point. There is a task forced named ICE Immigrant Customs and Enforcement. Obviously they are customs and do not allow explicit or illicit material in our out this country. But what is the meaning of illicit and explicit is it a word or a phrase how about a thing or a thought? Or is it that now people are viewed as all of the above and catorized as a simple noun that can fit the description of illicit and explicit?

    They are roaming cities picking up Hispanics literally picking them up like a humane society does to stray animals a service if you will. One maybe in the middle of a conversation with their neighbor of 5 years or out in the market making a purchase then asked all forms of ID from there it may escalate, which is common, and be taken away. Whom will return who will stay? Only those that can prove "legal". Other will have to face the fact of deportation to your original origins this maybe any where in the world. Then you are left in your country not your state or your city imagine you are in korea, You loose you passport and Korea officials tell you that in order to stay there you must have a passport other wise there is no telling how long you'll be there and they just drop you off in alaska but you are no doubt from VA.

    This is going on in real time.

    There are several bust of ILLEGAL people whom own and pay both federal and property taxes. That is documentation is it not? They pay the same rate of gas food and state sales tax as every one else. You don't need a SS# for these things. A SS# is needed for retirement not to pay taxes with. Simply when and if they do retire they will no receive a share of the SS.

    My big deal on this is so what? Why should I care I'm not a Latino or a Hispanic and I don't even look mexican right? Wrong! American born citizens like take this privilege for granted but because I can not control this racial profiling have been at risk to search and arrest and the answer is I am a spanish speaking resident. CLEARLY racial profiling and harassment. It has already happened and this is a class action lawsuit waiting to happen. Literally. And its only aimed so far at hispanic/latinos.

    IF any one on the forum knows of ways to help the community and could better help enforce human right voice you opinions, and make it clear that you stand pro america. I don't want this to become some racially motivated hatred thread Id rather it be informative on ways to attain better grounds and permits for undocumented or unnatrulized americans to be free. There is a pandemonium here and hispanics whom feel threatened will not go shopping or out to any event they instead wait for a calmer time or for some one whom doesn't see ice as a threat do some errand. This is wide scale, if it could be labeled it would def be similar to hilter and the jewish community.

    there is alot of grammar and puncuation and flat out mistakes in this ill correct this later in the day it is 2:30 where im at give me a brake.
    Yes They are eating all the Beans and Rice with there high paying job that should be mines
    Hell no they have potential to change america for the better and change things
    Eh this poll doesnt conern me because im either out of nationality or dont really know

    Im not black but I think ICE is one hell of a drug....?


      anybody that is here illegally is breaking the damn law. get them the fuck out.

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      Originally posted by Stephen Fry
      'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
      Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


        Originally posted by 10thcb7
        This is wide scale, if it could be labeled it would def be similar to hilter and the jewish community.
        you cant possibly be comparing the "profiling" of hispanics, to the pain that jews endored during hitlers rule!

        are you serious? only aimed at latinos? what about the 50 muslims you see lined up to get searched at the airport? where is your outcry for this?

        you say for people to show there pro america...i am thats why i say shoot the illegals back to mexico and let them become legal citizens the correct way, not by handing them citizenship because they are already here! whats that tell the rest of the people of mexico? ill tell ya what it says...come on over illegally and we'll hand you citizenship because you have a job, or because you pay for gas! lol be serious man.

        there are plenty of law abiding citizens in this country and they deserve it however, the people who are here illegally should have to pay for the trip back to mexico.

        im all for equality and the illegals should be also. considering they are being taken advantage of by shitty pay and awful conditions (i guess not as bad as mexico or else they wouldnt come here) and if they were to get citizenship and get a job they would have all the american rights.

        they are fighting against people who in the long run are doing what is just and right for this country

        sorry you get searched but thats what happens when the problems continue with no signs of letting up

        ohh and what happens when whitey doesnt have id? we get taken in and searched also and are held until our id is confirmed. and you cant tell me the kid with the trench coat walking down the street with black hair and nails isnt subject to profiling that kid will be watched like a hawk!

        smoke tires, not drugs.


          ohh and just to add what is it that cops think when they see one of our cars lowered, and loud? they think we street race should i yell at them or sue them because they pull me over and ask to see my paperwork?

          i know im going to catch alot of shit over this but this is how i feel

          smoke tires, not drugs.


            I'm hispanic.. And I know this thread is going to hit the fan...... WATCH!!!!!
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              So wait. Hispanics are being profiled because the gov't has finally started to do something about the illegal problem, and now everyone is in a tizzy.

              GOOD. Now maybe the dumbfuckers that keep inviting and harboring people here will stop. I could care less if you are inconvienianced. Get those sorry bastards out of my country. Yes, I said MY country.

              And for you to even think that you could somehow reference the Hollocuast and infer that this is equal to it........ get the fuck outta here. Seriously. Nobody cares if a few illegal wetbacks get hurt, and I'm pretty sure that 90% of the population doesn't care that a few people are inconvienianced as long as the job is getting done.

              Plus for this to be even remotely close to what you're trying to compare it to, we'd have to invade their country first. So yeah, this is more like a dirty, stinky, smelly roach infestation than anything. We're just killing the roaches. Get over it.

              - Rob -
              92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
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              2008 HD 1200N
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                And another thing.......... if they can go to the trouble of filing taxes and shit, then they can go thru the trouble of the naturalization process. There's absolutely no reason they shouldn't.

                - Rob -
                92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                85 Toyota 4Runner
                1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                2008 HD 1200N
                2009 HD 883N



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                    How about we crack down harder on the companies that employ illegal aliens, and don't pay taxes on their wages? Honestly, I put them at fault MUCH more so than I do the people who come here, work hard, and earn money to support their family in what is probably in a poverty ridden state.

                    If employers paid the illegals the same way they pay the legal citizens, they WOULD be paying taxes. They WOULD be contributing to the economy just as anyone else.

                    Honestly, the illegal immigrants do the jobs that most people don't want to do. They mow lawns, wash dishes, wash cars, pump gas... You could get those jobs just as easily if you'd be willing to work for what they work for.

                    This whole country is made up of illegal immigrants. The only difference is that we had guns and smallpox when we came in... The current illegals aren't trying to take over. They're just trying to make a better life for themselves and their families.

                    I have worked with 1 guy... that was really 6 guys. All named Hernando. As far as my boss was concerned, it was the same guy.


                      The fact is, the majority of illegal immigrants are uneducated, and working very low paying jobs. They may have more, and be better off than they were, but they are still below the poverty line. Most of the children are pressured to drop out of school and work to help support the family.

                      If the gov. continues to allow this massive flow of immigration, dont you think they would want them to be educated? Arent all these young kids gonna be our future soon? There is a huge gap between the upper class, and the lower class. Middle class is and has been fading.
                      Current 2016 Ford F150 XLT Sport
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                        Americans like to think that we're the center of the universe... and that what happens in other countries doesn't affect us. Hell, we seem to be under the impression that our silly little war (in which we are the only "good guys" fighting, of course) is the cause for the global rise in fuel prices.

                        We think we can protect ourselves, and our economy, by kicking illegal immigrants out. Fat chance. When your family is starving, and your wife has your 5th child on the way, you're going to do whatever it takes to make it. 3 months of washing dishes at Chillis is probably more profitable for a poor Mexican than a year at any job he'd find in his hometown. If he gets arrested and deported after 3 months, so be it. He'll have money to feed his family, and he'll do it again when he sees an opening.

                        Why don't they go through the naturalization process? Because they're Mexicans, or Ecuadorians, or whatever... They aren't Americans. They don't want to BE Americans. This country opens an opportunity to better their lives, but they don't want to leave their country for good to do so!

                        Hell, US companies do the same thing... We go to Mexico, China, etc... to open our manufacturing plants. Sure, we do it legally... but we do it because it increases our opportunity for betterment. We excuse that because it's on a corporate level... and it's our own actions. Take it down to individuals from other countries, and we should deport their asses.


                          I have no problem with people coming here trying to better themselves. That's awesome, and I wish them nothing but the best......... As long as they do it legally. If they don't want to do it that way, then by all means, kick them the fuck out. Hell, shoot them on site for all I care. Here's my policy:

                          o Option 1:
                          - Join the Military for a period of 4 years or more. Upon joining, you and your IMMEDIATE family will be allowed to reside in the country as guests until half of your service obligation (or a period of 4 years, which ever comes first) is complete, at which time you and your immediate family will be granted citizenship as a token of our gratitude. Welcome to the United States.

                          o Option 2:
                          - Pack your shit, you leave today. We don't want you here. You're a drain on our society and you are no longer welcome. Once we've identified you as a non legal citizen, you have 5 days to arrange transportation back to your home country. During this time you will be held in state custody. If you fail to make arrangements during this 5 day period (if you can't, you may ask for assistance from us, which we will be happy to provide), on the 6th day we will give you the 46 cent solution. On the 7th day we will rest.

                          o Option 3:
                          - Start the naturalization process. It's not that we don't want you here. It's that we don't want you here illegally. Assuming you've already been identified, you fall under the same rules and regulations as Option 2. The only deviation from that option is that we will give you a little more leway as far as time constraints are concerned. We know it takes awhile, and as such we are willing to help you if you express a wish to help yourself. We are not completely unreasonable.

                          - Rob -
                          92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                          85 Toyota 4Runner
                          1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                          2008 HD 1200N
                          2009 HD 883N


                            As long as companies employ illegals, they will be here.

                            Also, have you ever tried to learn the naturalization process of a country that speaks a different language than you? It's not easy, and most of us have more education than the people who sneak in here illegally.

                            If we want to fix the problem, we have to focus on the reason why the problem exists. Illegals don't come here for no reason. They come here to work. Because people pay them.

                            It's like a leak in a bicycle tire. Rather than patching the hole, we're trying to catch all the air.


                              I spent 14 months in Iraq if that counts for anything, lol. Arabic is a bitch. I picked up enough to get by, but if I was to try and naturalize, it may be difficult. I believe that we provide translators for those that need them, and English classes are given just about every where for those that don't speak it.

                              But I agree with what you're saying. I wanna say it's New Mexico or maybe Arizona that is doing exactly what you're talking about, hammering the shit out the employers. Sadly, until that becomes a nation wide thing, that isn't going to fix the root problem, it's just going to move it to another state.

                              - Rob -
                              92 Auto Sedan - "Rustoration"
                              85 Toyota 4Runner
                              1977 Kawasaki KZ1000/ZX6/10R Hybrid
                              2008 HD 1200N
                              2009 HD 883N

