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"I took my grandma's car because I was mad at my mom..."

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    "I took my grandma's car because I was mad at my mom..."

    "I took my grandma's car because I was mad at my mom and then I had my friend come in and he smokes with cigarettes."

    Seven-year-old goes for drive

    A 7-year-old South Florida boy faces grand theft auto charges after taking his grandmother's Dodge Durango for a joyride.
    My pictures/photos will return soon...

    OHHHH, WTF... These kids need some serious direction.
    The Lord watches over me!

    "Stop punching down on my people!!!"

    - D. Chappelle


      "yea i should be punished, like no video games for a weekend or suntin"


        "iss fun to do bad things".........This is where my tax dollars go....dammit



          The kid is in the custody of the grandmother... which means that she's the one raising him. Which means that she's the one responsible for his being the way he is.

          At least he didn't hurt anyone. The sad thing is that this kid is going to grow up being REAL trouble. I bet he'll have a gun of his own before he's 13.


            before i watched the video, i was just thinking that kids do crazy, but innocent thngs some times, but after the video, all i can think of is some kid that will grow up and perpetuate stereotypes.

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            Originally posted by Stephen Fry
            'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
            Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


              Wow, that kid is just... stupid. Just like SO many other kids, and if I was his grandma I'd be beating the sh*t out of him regardless of cops cameras, etc. And after that, I'd move on to his mom, obviously she's just as much of a douche bag as he's aspiring to be.

              Put him in a room full of books and ramen noodles, lock him up for a year. Thin him up and stimulate some gray cells. Either that.. or feed him to that f'ing cb7 loving duck.. lol


                BEAT HIS MUTHER***IN AZZ, its cheaper than jail or juvy, I'm pretty sure cops wanted to do it
                BUILT NOT BOUGHTOG OWNER,SINCE 06/1992


                  Originally posted by deevergote
                  The sad thing is that this kid is going to grow up being REAL trouble..
                  undoubtedly he has been raised to act the wrong way since he was born, after 7 years thats gonna be hard to break, and i dont think anything is gonna change with the way hes is being raised. He will grow up to be another statistic


                    this is what you gotta do. BEAT THE BLACK OFF HIS ASS! There is no reason this kid should be excussed for what he has done. When my first child comes out the womb im going to punch him/her right in the stumach to let him/her know who the boss is! I like how the grandma said i would spank him if she didn't think she was going to jail. I think it would be worth going to jail for just to get my child to understand that it was wrong. The world is goning to hell as it is. We don't need kids running around acting fools just cause we parents are lazy or "scared to go to jail". peace
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                      Thats sad that this poor kid has no direction and no upbringing to teach him that its not ok to be a hood rat and to do stupid shit.


                        spanking is not child abuse and shouldnt be illegal. as long as it isnt out of control (punching, using weapons, ets), corporal punishment is a very good thing. young minds are not yet developed enough to realize the full gravity of what they do when they do bad things, so one of the only things that works is pain. its just like dogs, if they shit on the floor as a puppy and you smack them on the nose, they wont do it ever again.

                        Click for my Member's Ride Thread
                        Originally posted by Stephen Fry
                        'It's now very common to hear people say, "I'm rather offended by that", as if that gives them certain rights. It's no more than a whine. It has no meaning, it has no purpose, it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. "I'm offended by that." Well, so fucking what?' —Stephen Fry
                        Eye Level Media - Commercial & Automotive Photography:


                          kid that will grow up and perpetuate stereotypes.
                          He will grow up to be another statistic
                          Exactly. /Thread.

                          And thats right...beat your kids. Beat them so they grow up thinking its ok to be abusive. If he's 7 and already doing things like this, and thinks it ok or fun...beating wont do the trick. I like when the guy asks him if he knew he couldve hurt or killed anyone, he said "i know. i didnt care. i wanted to show my friend i could do hoodrat things."

                          Im not gonna get into it. He IS gonna grow up to be trouble. He IS gonna perpetuate stereotypes. Hell, now he IS a stereotype. Now all he has to do is father a child.

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                          Originally posted by Jarrett
                          Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                            Originally posted by steelbluesleepR
                            spanking is not child abuse and shouldnt be illegal. as long as it isnt out of control (punching, using weapons, ets), corporal punishment is a very good thing. young minds are not yet developed enough to realize the full gravity of what they do when they do bad things, so one of the only things that works is pain. its just like dogs, if they shit on the floor as a puppy and you smack them on the nose, they wont do it ever again.
                            I agree, my generation got beat with everything but the kitchen sink, I'm not saying we are all angels, but for the most part we were afraid to do something wrong because mom,dad and grandma, the teacher/principle at school and even a neighbor would beat/spank our asses, this new generation know they cant be beat. What the hell is TIMEOUT going to teach someone. My son is 9 and he gets his behind tore up when he does wrong. these kids need to be lined up on a wall and find someone school grandmas with the there SWITCHES and let them go for what they know
                            BUILT NOT BOUGHTOG OWNER,SINCE 06/1992


                              what a dumn azz. that wouldhave to eather be the son of a drugy orhooker.

                              The Race Car

