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cheerleader fight on news

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    by the looks of this, i bet the girl on the receiving end has never thrown a punch in her life. how should u just take that? also not like they all were attackin her at once in a dogpile. grab a lamp and start fighting back.


      I think the parents of those children also need to be seriously engaged.

      FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
      "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


        Agreed. The parents should've been aware that something was going on before it got to that point. Parents aren't involved as they should be these days.

        I think this all happened in the girl's own home. If someone attacks me in MY home... they're going to get hurt. I may get hurt too... but I'm not going to sit back and take it.

        I can't say the girl deserved it. I was that kid in school... the one that everyone picked on. I was in her position myself. But if you're not going to fight back, you're going to get beat. Simple as that. It's not like she was totally innocent... she DID instigate.

        I can't defend the girls that hurt her, as they DO deserve punishment (life is EXTREMELY harsh... but something). However, the girl wasn't 100% helpless, either.


          Im not a big guy at all....but if i was in that girls position id be hitting anything and everything that came near me....Id prolly get fucked up but theres no way in hell im gonna let someone do that shit to me.

          and you know the part where that chick was yelling dont hit the shelf?....i woulda fucked that shelf right up

          Burrito Bandidos: It will change your fuckin life


            They're freaking cheerleaders... punch the prettiest one in the nose and break it. Split a few lips. They'll back off REAL quick when they realize you're making em ugly!


              Originally posted by King James
              and you know the part where that chick was yelling dont hit the shelf?....i woulda fucked that shelf right up
              that was too funny!
              Originally posted by deevergote.
              And please, for the love of God, type like a human being!




         better one


                    This was posted o supraforums a while back. Its sad to see teens do this nowadays. Reports say the teens showed no emotion after beating up the girl. Instead they were cracking jokes. Its really sad to see. The cop as I recall says they are going to charge those 8 as adults. And they deserve that shit too IMO. I blame it on shitty parenting if not modern day shit. Of course there will be catfights and so on I am pretty sure most of us have seen our fair share when we were in high school, but just to video tape and show it off on youtube...Thats a disgrace and 8 girls beating up 1 even worse. Its sad and I do hope they get tried as adults. When the parents talk I agree with almost everything except the God in school part. Personally I dont think religion has to do anything with it. Its more like discipline. Parents need to knock some sense into their children. People say oh I am gonna raise my kid differently I am not gonna hit them blah blah blah...Well you know what that just makes them think they can walk all over you with the generation nowadays. You need to put them in their place like back in the day. Thats how me and my bro were raised and we turned out OK. There is a difference in abuse and knocking sense into a person just keep that in mind when you have a kid.

                    The New-ish Ride
                    My old Ride
                    Hear my Vtak!!!
                    MK3 Member #3
                    I piss off people for fun.
                    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


                      Originally posted by Maple50175
                      Oh my god, I about pissed my pants!!
                      My official vouch thread!

                      Updated!!! --> My official turbo progress thread


                        Originally posted by King James
                        and you know the part where that chick was yelling dont hit the shelf?....i woulda fucked that shelf right up

                        FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
                        "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


                          the REAL full video

                          Wipe me down.


                            Next time...Fightback.


                              Maybe it's just the way she was brought up, talk out and reason when these situations arise. I can honestly say though, if it was me that thick designer belt around her pants would have been off faster than Crackhead on Redbull and would have been cracking some of those prissy behinds till the white meat showed.

                              The girl didn't fight back, but it isn't exactly her fault she was beaten up, those girls had perfectly functioning minds as well. And I know it's been said before but I hope those teeny boppers get knuckled by a muscular female with a mullet, who happens to be named Barbwire Barbra.

