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this guy makes too much sense(political)

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    this guy makes too much sense(political)

    and its exactly the reason he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected. This and the fact that I got drill this weekend sux ballz. Makes me want to slap a hoe!!

    I wish they would quit comparing him to kennedy and MLK...just let his character stand on it's own...

    But yeah...we don't get to elect the folks who would do the right job...we get folks who are popular...and really really...filthy rich.

    *edit....deleted cause I brain crapped *

    Has anyone actually gone to his campaign site and looked at what he has to say? This guy knows what he's talking about...especially with health care...clinton isn't telling the truth about her plans for health care...Ron Paul points out how the canadian system is...I KNOW several Canadians living in the U.S. and every one says the same have to wait for ever to even get surgery for something's outrageous. I like Ron Paul more now

    I don't agree 100% with what he says about the war...but I like everything else he says, and I still think he's a great cand.
    Last edited by bcjammerx; 04-05-2008, 01:34 AM.


      Originally posted by bcjammerx
      I wish they would quit comparing him to kennedy and MLK...just let his character stand on it's own...

      But yeah...we don't get to elect the folks who would do the right job...we get folks who are popular...and really really...filthy rich.


      Has anyone actually gone to his campaign site and looked at what he has to say? This guy knows what he's talking about...especially with health care...clinton isn't telling the truth about her plans for health care...Ron Paul points out how the canadian system is...I KNOW several Canadians living in the U.S. and every one says the same have to wait for ever to even get surgery for something's outrageous. I like Ron Paul more now

      I don't agree 100% with what he says about the war...but I like everything else he says, and I still think he's a great cand.
      My aunt is Canadian, and she too complains about the service level and wait time. She grew up in the US, and then went to Canada, so she has see the difference.
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        Originally posted by oozingmachismo2
        and its exactly the reason he didn't have a chance in hell of getting elected.
        indeed. ::

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          yes the war is the only thing I don't completely agree with him on, but other wise I would have voted for him instead of me voting for obama if he wins the democratic caucus other wise I prolly won't be voting for a president this year.
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            sucks that he is a racist crazy anti government loony

            something published in his newsletter ... good chance he wrote it many more then this also

            a special issue of the Ron Paul Political Report, published in June 1992, dedicated to explaining the Los Angeles riots of that year. “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began,” read one typical passage. According to the newsletter, the looting was a natural byproduct of government indulging the black community with “‘civil rights,’ quotas, mandated hiring preferences, set-asides for government contracts, gerrymandered voting districts, black bureaucracies, black mayors, black curricula in schools, black tv shows, black tv anchors, hate crime laws, and public humiliation for anyone who dares question the black agenda.” It also denounced “the media” for believing that “America’s number one need is an unlimited white checking account for underclass blacks.” To be fair, the newsletter did praise Asian merchants in Los Angeles, but only because they had the gumption to resist political correctness and fight back. Koreans were “the only people to act like real Americans,” it explained, “mainly because they have not yet been assimilated into our rotten liberal culture, which admonishes whites faced by raging blacks to lie back and think of England.”

            In January 1995, three months before right-wing militants bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, a newsletter listed “Ten Militia Commandments,” describing “the 1,500 local militias now training to defend liberty” as “one of the most encouraging developments in America.” It warned militia members that they were “possibly under BATF [Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms] or other totalitarian federal surveillance” and printed bits of advice from the Sons of Liberty, an anti-government militia based in Alabama — among them, “You can’t kill a Hydra by cutting off its head,” “Keep the group size down,” “Keep quiet and you’re harder to find,” “Leave no clues,” “Avoid the phone as much as possible,” and “Don’t fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.”
            Last edited by ChIoVnIdCa; 04-05-2008, 10:48 AM.


              Originally posted by bcjammerx
              But yeah...we don't get to elect the folks who would do the right job...we get folks who are popular...and really really...filthy rich.
              I hope it isn't all that surprising that ambitious and successful people get elected....?
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                I'd like to see some links for those quotes...he's not anti-govt, he's anti CURRENT govt

                and I didn't say I was surprised, I'm not surprised at all...but it has very little to do with ambition


                  Originally posted by bcjammerx
                  I'd like to see some links for those quotes...he's not anti-govt, he's anti CURRENT govt

                  and I didn't say I was surprised, I'm not surprised at all...but it has very little to do with ambition
                  Sure. Lots of slackers get elected President.....
                  2003 Maxima SE Titanium Edition
                  Polished Titanium ext, heated black leather int, heated leather steering wheel, HIDs, 255bhp, 6 speed, 15% tint.
                  1993 Suzuki GSX1100F 136bhp


                    I see nothing wrong with being anti gorvernment to a certain extent. Whats the reason for being pro gorvernment? Gorvernment is not your friend. The more power they have the less power,rights and freedom you have as an individual. Bad enough they tell you how to be a parent, now they get to spy on you via internet. As for the racism charge, looks like I'll have to dig a bit deeper into Ron Paul.


                      Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa
                      sucks that he is a racist crazy anti government loony

                      something published in his newsletter ... good chance he wrote it many more then this also

                      Those have twisted quotes written all over them. Why? Rather than just quoting the material, and presenting it for YOU to make up your own mind, they try to interpret it FOR YOU, so that you will buy their slant.

                      I can bet that 90% of that is hogwash, and I am not even a huge Ron Paul fan. He was idealistic at best. He has simple solutions to complex problems and I guarantee that NOTHING would have gone as smoothly as he hopes.

                      I am not a big supporter of the current "regime" nor am I a big supporter of the potential future options. But I do know that 1 person isn't going to just waltz in and change a complex system of government all by himself, or overnight. In fact I find it odd that they compare him to Kennedy, who was a "great" President on paper, but really did absofuckinglutely NOTHING other than almost cause nuclear holocaust, and enter us into the single worst war we have ever been in. Yeah Kennedy! What a great leader. Yet, for something similar, Bush gets beat up. Why? Because he isn't as charismatic, and every woman doesn't wish he was cheating on his wife with them?

                      People bitch about the government and how corrupt they are, and yet they hardly ever get involved. Perhaps they aren't corrupt, perhaps they are trying to please those that actually DO get involved. You can't read people's minds, so how the hell should they be able to?

                      Ever heard the old saying "the squeeky wheel gets the grease?" It isn't just a catchy phrase.

                      Futhermore, people bitch and complain about the government not working in THEIR best interests. There is NO form of government, nor will there EVER be, where 100% of everybodies interests are met. To even consider it is stupid. We can either have a rapid acting government that meets 100% of its needs, or we can have a public government that has to TRY to please everyone all the time. Can't have both. Oh, and I feel I should mention that the government that meets 100% of ITS needs, will not be meeting YOUR needs.
                      Last edited by owequitit; 04-05-2008, 07:11 PM.
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                        Originally posted by SteveB
                        Sure. Lots of slackers get elected President.....
                        You aren't following what I'm saying at all...missing the point completly.

                        I never said the current or past pres. were slackers...and I'll go on and say I've never said they were unintelligent, or unlearned...etc...etc...

                        But you make it sound like the "rich" people who were/are president got that way through their own hard work and ambition...not true.

                        My point...many were born into wealth, and have never actually seen poverty first hand and thanks to their connections or their parents connections is what got them were they are, not qualifications. Don't start spouting off examples of folks who don't fit into that category cause I'm aware of that, I never said ALL...but a lot. I can't stand someone who was born with a diamond studded gold plated platinum spoon in their mouth talking about how to fix poverty and help the their rich ass would have a clue what it's like.

                        We forget so many times, even if some "radical" person got into power, they'd have to content with the 'ol congress...pres. can't just do what they want. Checks and when you get a majority R/D congress and a pres. of the same party with the same agenda's...then you see a lot of shit go down.

                        I have a feeling even if RP was elected...though I doubt it...he would spend all his time battling congress.

