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Kris Roe (of the Ataris)

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    Green Day = Foxboro Hot Tubs. They keep it quiet, and just recently made it officially public. It's a different style, and a side project... so they don't have the same amount of pressure as they do with Green Day. They also allow free downloads of the FHT stuff.

    And man... Kris Roe was kickass. Really really cool guy. We stood around and talked to him for a while.

    There were 4 other local bands that played before them, and the last local band (a bigger one) played San Dimas with Kris. During that song, Kris jumped into the crowd (almost hit the ground the first time he did it!) He also let a bunch of people sing. I feel bad for my friend, who was probably being deafened by my singing in her ear.

    But yeah, such an amazing performance. The other bands were ok... a crappy hardcore band with lots of talent and no presence played first, another good hardcore band played second... but they didn't move. Their music was great, though. Third was a screaming hardcore band, verging on death metal... They were good, and a blast to watch, but I wasn't into the music. And then there was the "big" local band, that I heard from the other bands is actually a bunch of druggies and no fun to play with... bu they were pretty good. A few of the bands are myspace friends with my band.

    Overall, it was great. It was fun making jokes about all the little wannabe punk/emo kiddies that had no idea who Kris Roe was... It was hilarious watching all the hardcore guys doing spin kicks and windmills... I nearly put one on his ass when he hit my drummer, though. Thankfully, Andy is a hell of a nice guy, and made friends with the dude before I had to step in!


      Originally posted by greencb7inkc
      I thought there was somebody doing duoble-time on 2 pretty big punk bands...
      The lead singer from Glassjaw is also the lead singer of Head Automatica maybe thats who you were thinking of?

      Originally posted by greencb7inkc
      And Foxboro Hot Tubs IS Green Day, they just arent admitting to it, i guess

      How cool would that be to go see some smalltime band and they start setting up and its freaking Green Day.
      Im sure most people who end up going to those shows are in the know about the pseudonym. Its kinda weird, because most bands that do that keep the initials intact.

      And if i could swim I'd swim out to you in the ocean
      Swim out to where you were floating in the dark.


        Sounds like an awesome show Mike. I wish we had shows liek that out here. Just small time venues with old school names.

        Being from Jersey, ever heard of or come across the bands "Melmac" or "Gibbler" ???

        Gibbler did a song called "Back to Hazlet, I'll Say"...

        Anyway...good stuff.

        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
        Originally posted by Jarrett
        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


          I've heard of Gibbler (and I know the reference... ) Actually, I think I may have been on a label with them... I think they were also "signed" to Go Home Crappy Records with my old band... those kids running that label didn't know a damn thing...

          Hazlet is further north from me... North Jersey is another world. I know most of the bands that are generally called "philly" bands, even though half are from my area.


            Yeah...I have a handful of friends in that whole Hazlet/Keansburg Area. They got me into the both of them. Melmac has more of Mighty Mighty Bosstones sound, with the horns and what-not.

            Strangly, "melmac" also has a late 80s/early 90s TV reference

            KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
            Originally posted by Jarrett
            Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


              Yeah, I got the Alf reference as well as the Full House reference... I'm old, though

              NJ was HUGE for the Ska scene. There are still quite a few really good bands going from here (Streetlight Manifesto being one of the best... actually, one of the best ska bands I've ever heard in my life!)

