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Shipping confrontation at the P.O.

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    Shipping confrontation at the P.O.

    So on my lunch hour today I'm standing in line at the P.O. to buy packaging to ship a couple items out, and there's a fiftyish guy with a hearing aid leaning against the counter, looking at his watch repeatedly. I don't think much about it until the girl working in the next lane yells back and asks another woman to come out because of this guy.
    The woman comes out and asks if there is something he needs. He immediately gets shitty with her: "I'm leaning here because I've got a prosthetic leg and I can't stand for lengthy periods of time!" She looks at him and says "You don't have a fake leg, you just want to cause trouble like you always do." He then says "Oh? I don't? Are you fucking calling me a liar?" And pulls up the leg of his pants to show everyone in line that he does, indeed, have a prosthetic leg. He then demands that someone tell her he does have a prostheses and she apologizes and asks him if there is something she can do to help. He stays shitty: "No, I'm just waiting my turn like everyone else, I'm next, I just needed to lean against the counter because of my leg. I don't want to cut in front of anyone, I'm just waiting, I don't need any help from you at all." She again offers politely to help him, and he replies just as shittily that he wouldn't take help from her if she were the only one working. She then tells him he should go ahead and leave and take his "Iraq war injury with him" (she obviously doesn't believe he lost this leg in Iraq, and I'm doubting it too.) and then walks away, he looks right at me and says "Do you believe this shit?" I reply "In her defense, you get around really good on the prosthetic leg, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it."
    This seems to soothe him somewhat, but when he gets to take his turn in line, he starts in on the first woman about how they treat him like shit everytime he comes in here, He doesn't know why they act like this, he's going to start complaining at the main P.O. blah blah blah. When the woman goes to get his items from his P.O. box, he turns to the rest of the line and says "I really don't understand why they always treat me like this."
    At this point, I've had it with him and I tell him point blank "If this is the way you act everytime you come in here, I'm surprised they manage to be this polite to you." He looks at me in shock and asks "What do you mean by that? How am I treating them?" So I tell him "You're being a dick. You've been nothing but rude and beligerent to these two women when all they've tried to do is help you out. If this was my office, I'd tell you to take your business to another branch."
    While I'm saying this the first woman comes back with his items and hands them to him, and tries to explain That she was only trying to help because he had come in, stepped up to the counter and kept looking at his watch. He turns to her and replies "That's because I'm in a hurry. I left my daughter in the car and you shouldn't leave a two year old alone in a car for that long."
    Now I'm done. "WHAT? You left a two year old child alone in your car while you came in here? Are you friggin' serious?" "Yeah, what the hell is your problem?" "What the hell is my problem, what's yours? What kind of idiot leaves a two year old child alone in a car while they run into somewhere?" I set my things down and turn back to him: "I'm going out to look in the parking lot, buddy. If there's a car out there with a child alone, I'm calling the cops." Now he's really getting heated "Go ahead, call the cops, big man. Do it." I go out to the parking lot, walk through it and don't see a child alone in a car. I see a child in a car with a woman though, so I start back towards the front of the P.O. and around the corner comes asshole.
    Now he's got his jacket off, he's wearing a black sleeveless tshirt or a wifebeater, no muscle tone, no ink, just some soft fiftish guy with a stick in his ass and he gets in my face: "You don't ever fucking talk to me like that in front of people. You don't know who I am. I should beat your ass right here you little shithead!" (This little shithead is 5'11" and weighs around 200 lbs, I'm not body builder material, but I'm not flab and I can handle my own) The woman gets out of the car and starts to yell at me for something she wasn't even involved in, while he proceeds to tell her about how I was going to call the cops because he left his daughter in the car with his sister. She's going off, he's going off and I looked at her and said "Ma'am, what he said inside, in front of half a dozen witnesses, was that he had left his daughter alone out in the car and he was in a hurry because of that." She shuts up, but he's still running his mouth, so I turn my back on him and walk towards the front of the P.O. again when I hear him say "I oughta kick your ass You mother fuckin marmaluke, you threatened me in front of all those people in there. You don't have any idea who I am and what I can do to you." So I stop, turn around and walk up to him. He's probably got 4 inches on me, and at least 50 lbs of squishiness. I stop about two feet away and look him in the eye and say "You're an asshole. You were being a dickhead for no reason, you're just a fucking asshole, why don't you go home and practice terrorizing your dog or something?" To which he replies "I used to be a fucking Navy Seal, even with these fake legs (Now he has two?) I can still kick your ass." I step a little closer, look up and tell him "Well, let's go then. I'll show you how to make an ex-Seal cry." turn my back to him and walk on into the P.O.

    As I walk through the post office door, I get the best line for his Seal comment, and I wish I'd had it immediately :

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I used to be an Eskimo. Let's see who remembers their job better."

    So now the ladies at the Post Office love me. They told me no one has ever defended them against this guy in over 7 years of him acting like that. I just told them I was fed up with all the people in the world who can't act with civility and respect and that I was tired of people like him making the world such a miserable place to live. Plus I got a round of applause from the people who had been in there to see it all go down.

    I then picked up my packages, paid for them and shipped them off. His fake leg having ass wasn't out there when I came back out three minutes later either.

    I got halfway through.. how it was written is difficult to read... cliffs?


      Cliff notes?? Good story.
      "form follows function."
      Louis Sullivan


        I usually don't do Cliff's notes. I feel it encourages laziness and it also strips a story of important interesting nuances and subtleties.

        However, for those who don't enjoy reading:

        Met a dickhead at the post office, made him look bad in front of people, he made himself look bad in front of people, I again made him look bad and turned my back on him, shipped my packages.

        (Not nearly as good as the original! lol)
        Last edited by visualpoet; 03-26-2008, 11:42 PM. Reason: saw something my fat fingers messed up.


          that's some good shit right there....... I have people like that at work all the time..... only problem is..... even the slightest comment could get me in trouble if they call the "800 number". Some people just can't seem to be happy in life...... and I'm glad to know I'm at least partly responsible for this story good show!


            Originally posted by visualpoet
            I usually don't do Cliff's notes. I feel it encourages laziness and it also strips a story of important interesting nuances and subtelties.

            However, for those who don't enjoy reading:

            Met a dickhead at the post office, made him look bad in front of people, he made himself look bad in front of people, I again made him look bad and turned my back on him, shipped my packages.

            (Not nearly as good as the original! lol)
            lol I vote for paragraphs next time then


              Originally posted by ChIoVnIdCa
              lol I vote for paragraphs next time then
              and an outline, bibliography, and site any references used


                Originally posted by 90accords
                and an outline, bibliography, and site any references used
                double spaced


                  Can i cut off his "legs"... so he cant walk in the post office again. Sounds like one real big ass. good job standing up to him.
                  90 Accord EX F22a1 Auto R.I.P.
                  2011 Mazda 3 Hatch 2.5L GS sport HELLO!


                    "He now has 2?"

                    Little long but good. I feel bad for the comments he made to the lady behind the counter. That was not called for by him. He was being a dick!
                    3 CB's gone....
                    1 WK Overland....

                    Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.


                      you should have pulled off his leg and beat him with it


                        It just all reached a point for me a few years ago. I think it was at Disney, two days after 9/11, standing in line at a gift shop when some asshat placed his hands on my, then, youngest child's shoulders and moved him out of his way. After I expLOOOOded on him, (following him around the store asking him who he thought he was, what gave him the right, did he think I wouldn't put my hands on him for touching my child, someone better call Mickey, Goofy and a few cops because this guy was going to need a lot of help to peel me off of him,) that I finally realized that I myself could spread politeness and civility. So I started to consciously (sp? looks funny) say please and thank you, hold doors for people, stop to help someone if I can. I try to be a decent human being.

                        Occasionally, I feel compelled to explain to other people where they are failing to be a decent human being. I'm sick of living in a world without respect and civility. Society has declined to a point where the majority of people live under some sort of fear. And as long as people stand by and allow behavior such as this to continue, society will continue to crumble. If my actions can change one person, and they can change one person, and they can; then, eventually, this will be a better place for our children and their children.

                        And if I occasionally have to whip a crippled guy's ass in the parking lot, then that's what I gotta do.

                        J/K I just would have restrained his dumb ass until the cops arrived.


                          Originally posted by 90accords
                          you should have pulled off his leg and beat him with it
                          LOL! Take that ya bastard!


                            Originally posted by visualpoet
                            "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I used to be an Eskimo. Let's see who remembers their job better."
                            Once... and only once... did I ever actually have the chance to say the perfect thing in the moment. That's hilarious, though. I'd have stepped back out and said that!

                            War vet or not, he has no right to treat people that way. Good job!

                            And I must say... I skipped ahead to the cliff notes to get an idea of what I was about to read. If it sounded boring, I'd have passed.


                              WOW holy shit!
                              WE MISS YOU JO(9-04-2008)

