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i think my cb is an magnet for getting attacked

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    i think my cb is an magnet for getting attacked

    ok so about 6 months ago someone covered my car in shaving cream and chocolate
    didnt hurt the paint
    then someone backed into my fender twice

    and friday night someone egged it
    only one egg hit my car the rest hit our aluminum boat.
    well luckily no paint damage

    what the hell is up with people

    93 Accord SE no tranny:Parting out

    86 Ford Ranger fuel problem

    Explorer Fund:$1595.23

    Mines been getting attacked by Robins(the bird).

    The last few days ive been going out to my car and theres been birdshit on my PS mirror. I finally caught one sitting on the mirror, and it almost looks like it was looking at itself in the glass...

    Its a different kind of attack, but an attack nonetheless.

    KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
    Originally posted by Jarrett
    Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


      i think somebody doesn't like you.


        yea i think its my gf's friend

        93 Accord SE no tranny:Parting out

        86 Ford Ranger fuel problem

        Explorer Fund:$1595.23


          i'd put a camera on it when you're parked at home. As a matter in fact, i think i'm going to invest in a good paintball gun.


            Grab a sinper riffle, find a high point, grab some binoculars, and lots of caffine.

            Then wait.


              Originally posted by C91BLX7
              Grab a sinper riffle, find a high point, grab some binoculars, and lots of caffine.

              Then wait.

              i can't shoot straight when i'm all twitchy.

              i'd say grab a bunch of B vitamins.


                ill train my dog to watch my car
                haha he might hump them to death

                93 Accord SE no tranny:Parting out

                86 Ford Ranger fuel problem

                Explorer Fund:$1595.23


                  Thats what you get for actualy caring about your car. Just don't act like you care about it,lol. I think you could always invest in a nice sniper rifle. pwnin bishes.


                    Originally posted by C91BLX7
                    Grab a sinper riffle, find a high point, grab some binoculars, and lots of caffine.

                    Then wait.
                    dont forget ammo.


                      No dont ever act like you dont care about iT!!!

                      Before i moved to NY, i cared for it up and down....and nothing happend.

                      Since i moved to NY, i have had my focus elsewhere and i hit a wall and had my centercaps stolen.

                      Coincidence...maybe but who the fuck cares im drinking a fucking Pepsi bitches.


                        Just hit up 2.2 Azul. She's a sniper. Or at least was.

                        Or Ben(phempa). He owns tons of guns. AND he's not afriad to use em.

                        I need to invest in a slingshot or plastic pellet gun. Fucking Birds...

                        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                        Originally posted by Jarrett
                        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                          im lucky, no one fucks with my car on my street. you have to tell them who's boss.
                          I <3 G60.

                          0.5mm Oversized Stainless valves and bronze guides available. Pm me please.


                            did you snipe the coochie bro and then went with the other chick that could be it maybe thats why shes mad. Or did you fuck her friend to get to her, You probably stole her best friend thats why shes tight right now about it and is taking it out on your ride. careful next thing you know itll be your window and more
                            Last edited by h22sparkle; 03-24-2008, 11:21 AM.


                              well atleast if it is my window or anything else my alarm will go off

                              93 Accord SE no tranny:Parting out

                              86 Ford Ranger fuel problem

                              Explorer Fund:$1595.23

