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The Island

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    The Island

    This is an article published in the most recent Sport Compact Car. It is called "The Island" by Scott Oldham. It is so true. It is a pretty funny article too.

    When I'm the president of Earth, my first order of business will be to designate an island as a sort of maximum-security prison. I got the idea the other night while watching the brilliant epic "Escape from New York" on DVD. If you haven't seen this most excellent film, which was directed by John Carpenter and stars Kurt Russell as bad-@ss Snake Plissken, you're really missing out. Set in a dark future that is 1997, Snake is sent to rescue the president of the United States, whose plane crashed on Manhatten Island en route to a world summit conference. The president, by the way, is carrying papers crucial to the survival of the United States, and Snake has 24 hours to pull off the rescue or he will be killed by two timed devices the government injected into his body. The problem is, Manhatten is no longer a thriving metropolis filled with Wall Street geeks and yenta ladies who lunch. Instead, it's a walled housing facility for 3 million of the country's lowest lowlifes who are left on their own to prey on each other. To keep the scum contained, the surrounding water has been electrified, the tunnels have been destroyed and the assorted bridges mined, so Plissken enters by glider, which he lands on top of the south tower at the World Trade Center.
    Cool movie, however, I've decided my island will differ from the one in the movie in two ways. First of all, it will not house thieves, rapists and murderers. When I'm president, those people will simply be executed. Instead, my island will house people who simply annoy me. And second, my island, which I've decided will be named Scott Island, will be farther from civilization and in a much harsher climate than Manhatten.
    So far my list of detainees includes:

    1) Anyone associated with the Sylvester Stallone movie "Driven"
    2) Anyone who drives an SUV because it's safer and/or fun to drive
    3) The jughead at Honda who continues to veto the selling of the Civic Type-R and RSX Type-R in America
    4) Chris Bangle
    5) Whoopi Goldberg
    6) Anyone who drives slower than 85 mph in the left lane
    7) People who think they're good drivers but have never heard of Skip Barber or Bob Bondurant
    8) People who don't use their turn signals
    9) People who tailgate motorcyclists
    10) People who think "The Dukes of Hazzard" is beneath them
    11) People who wear white socks with sandals or dark socks with shorts
    12) Phil Collins
    13) People who drink and drive
    14) Ashton Kutcher
    15) Every girl who turned me down in high school
    16) The d*ck who stole my Kawasaki ZX-7 back in '95
    17) Lawyers
    18) Tony George
    19) Helio Castroneves
    20) Derek Daly
    21) The guy who designed the Pontiac Aztec
    22) His boss for signing off on it
    23) Ron Zarella
    24) Anyone who doesn't support the brave men and women serving in our armed forces around the world
    25) Anyone who burns an American Flag
    26) Any American who doesn't vote
    27) Any American who has the nerve to travel to France in the wake of that nation's recent voting against us in the UN Security Council because it was secretly doing business with Saddam Hussein
    28) France
    29) Oprah
    30) People who put ketchup on hot dogs
    31) People who put mustard on hamburgers
    32) People who sue McDonald's because they're fat
    33) People who sue tobacco companies because they have lung cancer
    34) Guys who ditch their friends when they have a girlfriend
    35) Guys who would rather hang with some chick than help you install a tunnel ram and two Holleys on your '55 Chevy like they said they would
    36) People who think gasoline is expensive in America
    37) Boy bands
    38) P. Diddy
    39) Guys who buy great cars like BMW M3s and Mercedes-Benz E55s and never drive them hard
    40) Jerks who put huge, heavy 19- or 20-inch wheels on their M3s and E55s because they make the car faster
    41) Vegetarians
    42) Telemarketers
    43) Guys who don't paint their body kits before they put them on their cars
    44) People who think a whole lot of nitrous is a true substitute for a well-engineered engine
    45) People who never floor the gas pedal
    46) Ralph Nader
    47) Ralph Shaheen
    48) Ralph Malph
    49) 4x4 boneheads
    50) Environmentalist weenies who want us all to drive some electric-powered sh*tbox

    Who would be on your island and why?
    FSAE(F Series Accord Enthusiasts) "A dying breed..." #15

    Need parts? Check out my 1990 EX part out!

    LMAO @ that list. good post Clemson90Accord... i haven't had a chance to read that article in SCC yet.

    the guy who designed the pontiac aztec... lol... good one.

    i too hate drivers that drive too slow in the left lane... that aggrivates the hell out of me. i go crazy when that happens.

    here's detainees included on my island:

    - post whores
    - ryan seacrest (host of american idol)
    - people who drive with their seat tilted all the way back
    - those twins that host Super 2NR TV
    - down south type rappers and the 'pop-rap' you see on MTV
    - people who actually think those artists have skill
    - people who still quote "the fast and the furious"
    - all stuck-up, snobby, "i'm better than you" girls
    - cock blockers
    - the staff at my hosting company


      #'s 34 and 35 I can relate to very well... All I can say to my "buddies" is "Bros before hoes".... lol...

      Those 2NR dudes are annoying as fu*k... Wonder if they talk that "lingo" in real life (or just reading cue cards)... I read somewhere, though, that they are skilled when it comes to fabrication...

      Part of my list would include...

      - peeps who make empty promises
      - peeps who are fake
      - broke-ass peeps who bum money, but, make excuses not to work
      - drivers with those "slow down" bumper stickers (alot of those over here) that drive past me at MACH 2
      - peeps who put stuff on their car that doesn't flow/match on the car (what's up with the wing that's higher than the car's roofline??)
      - know-it-all types
      - hypocrites
      - Christine Aguilera (her new look)
      - drivers that don't buckle up (especially the kids)
      - so-called "friends" that talk sh*t about you when you're not around to defend
      - peeps who kiss-ass to make themselves look good
      - negative peeps that dwell only on the bad things

      "Don't meddle with things you don't understand..."

      1990 Accord LX- Maroon w/Raspberry pearl. Daily driven: NOT a stay-at-home-bitch RIP 8/9/2006

      Another Gen4 CB7 ryde in the works...

      Ryde Syndicate... "If it don't make dollars, it don't make sense..."


        I thought you guys would like that. Sorry it was so long of a post. Just wanted to get the full effect. Do you guys have a subscription to SCC. I do. It is a great mag. They don't do a lot of accords but they write some great articles. And the mail columns are hilarious. The latest article has a pretty cool article about street sleepers in it. Check it out.
        FSAE(F Series Accord Enthusiasts) "A dying breed..." #15

        Need parts? Check out my 1990 EX part out!


          yeah, it's a great mag indeed. they've got some real good tech. stuff. keep an eye out on the 'webside' section of the magazine... i submitted CB7Tuner a couple of months ago


            Originally posted by Clemson90Accord
            I thought you guys would like that. Sorry it was so long of a post. Just wanted to get the full effect. Do you guys have a subscription to SCC. I do. It is a great mag. They don't do a lot of accords but they write some great articles. And the mail columns are hilarious. The latest article has a pretty cool article about street sleepers in it. Check it out.
            yea them sleepers were pretty hot.. i liked that lexus.. that was pretty pimp.. anyways back on topic..

            DD: 1998 Honda Civic EX Coupe
            PC: *searching*


              This is who would be on my island-
              1. people who get pissed off on the highway for no reason
              2. "monster trucks" who try to crush smaller cars while passing
              3. people who are always late
              4. people who can't apologize
              and finally....
              5. people who disrespect a good cb7!

              Great post clemson90accord!


                Originally posted by fizzbob7
                i would be on my island with all the playboy playmates of the past 5 years......and whichever friends they wanna bring (as long as they're hot and easy)....that's a plan...ya'll can keep your convicts and ugly people
                lol, this is an island you would SEND people to... not be on with.

                i certainly hope that you wouldn't ban playmates to an island fizz


                  I forgot to post who would be on my island. Hmmm...
                  1) Of course almost all of the people on Scott Oldhams list
                  2) Sleezy politicians
                  3) People who don't check their mirrors and blind spot before changing lanes
                  4) People who pull out in front of you on a no passing road when they know you are going faster than they will go
                  5) People who gridlock
                  6) People who never honk the horn because they are wussies
                  7) People who don't know how to merge onto a highway
                  8) People who try to help me merge on to the highway(ie;don't maintain a steady speed)
                  9) People who don't use cruise control
                  10) People who think all Japanese cars are crappy
                  11) Racists
                  12) Bad cops
                  13) People who hit and run
                  14) Pedestrians who walk on the no walk sign and mosey across the street
                  15) People who don't watch where they are going
                  16) People who open their car doors and hit other cars
                  17) Lazy people who don't put shopping carts in the cart return and leave them to hit cars in the lot
                  18) People who vandalize cars
                  19) People who break into/steal cars
                  20) People who never wash their vehicle
                  21) People who run stop signs
                  22) People who don't understand whose turn it is at stop signs
                  23) The DMV
                  24) The new Clemson Campus Police Chief (whole nother story
                  25) People who never speed
                  26) People who don't do at least the speed limit
                  27) My high school principle
                  28) And so on...

                  Sorry I got carried away! Just started writing and kept thinking of things that bug me. Anyway. Those are just the start of my island.
                  FSAE(F Series Accord Enthusiasts) "A dying breed..." #15

                  Need parts? Check out my 1990 EX part out!



                    *The bean counters at honda who killed off the Accord wagon in the U.S. and instead prefer to sell Elements, CR-V's, Pilots and MDX's to capitolize on a selfish fad.

                    *The person/people at Honda who decided that the CRX no longer needed to exist.

                    * The person/people who actually thought that the RL was a worthy successor to the 91-95 Legend.

                    *Person/people who believe that a Honda V-8 is not necessary to compete with other makes.

                    *Person/People at Toyota responsible for approving the "cutting edge" design of the infamous Altezza tail lights.

                    * APC


                      if we went by that first list, everybody would be on it...heres a list i have

                      -people who still refer to nitrous oxide as NAWS
                      -domestic drivers who pull up next to me and talk shit about my car when im minding my own business
                      -fat people who dont have a fat causing disease
                      -poor people who dont care that theyre poor
                      -people who feed off the government and dont give shit back
                      -anti war protestors
                      -left wing liberals
                      -ugly girls who wear t shirts that say 'if you arent cute, keep walking
                      -people who act like they know more about my car than i do when they dont
                      -*** people who try to put the moves on me
                      -stubborn democrats who try to make me one of them (i have no problem with democrats in general, just the ones who dont think my opnion is import since im republican)
                      -corrupt politicians, no matter what their political affiliation
                      i could go on for hours, but this is a pretty good summary


                      The Dark Tower..........................................and Blaine the Mono

