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Overdosed quiting drugs for good.

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    Overdosed quiting drugs for good.

    So I overdosed 2 days ago it was because of me being a reckless dumbass (phenobarbital tramadol dxm valium and cocaine) I was found with almost no pulse breathing barely I was rushed to the ER where my heart stopped 2 times and they brought me back I don't remember a thing but I woke up with a tube down my throat (which they removed shortly after UGH it hurt like a bitch) doctor told me I would need to stay at least the night there I said only if he would give me something othe then methadone (becase I was withdrawling from opiates). Which they wouldn't. So I left and came home. (which was stupid but better then suffering all night long)

    But when my heart stopped my brain suffered damage because of no blood flow some of the damage is temp most is perm. I also hae trouble remembering things people and names so keep that in mind. And don't be pissed if I know you and forgot who ya are.

    Quiting all drugs for good. Except natural ones and a beer here and there

    Feels so good to be alive I have memory problems so bad now and I have to go to the doctor to see how much damage I did to my brain and get therapy of some kind to help my speach (its alittle slurred)

    The second time my heart stopped it started back 2 seconds before they were going to call my time of death and there was no blood flow in my brain for a long time.

    The doctor told me I was lucky to be able to talk walk or even remember any of my fiends or family I feel so lucky.

    This is my one chance guys! going to straightin up so glad im alive

    you lie.

    The New-ish Ride
    My old Ride
    Hear my Vtak!!!
    MK3 Member #3
    I piss off people for fun.
    IA 08 Sunburn Victim #1


      All the best.

      FS: Lokuputha's Stuff
      "It's more fun to drive a slow car fast than it is to drive a fast car slow."-The Smartest Man In The World


        That's horrible about everything you went through but then again it's good so that now you want to quit. Hope you stick with quiting! Thats a good decision.

        90 Accord LX Auto
        Mods- Intake, Full exhaust, Strut bar, lowering springs.

        Future Plans- Paint


          you better fucking quit or you'll be either dead or in jail for the rest of your life

          I've lost too many friends to this shit

          on the stairs, she grabs my arm, says whats up,
          where you been, is something wrong?
          i try to just smile, and say everything’s fine.


            commendable...glad you are making the right choice.

            "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
            "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
            "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


              If you are an addict you probably should stay away from alcohol also


                How do you overdoes and still manage to make a post just yesterday and the day before?

                If you bsing about shit like that...not cool man.
                Henry R
                1992 Accord LX R.I.P
                1993 Accord EX OG since 'o3
                Legend FSM

                'You see we human beings are not born with prejudices, always they are made for us,
                made by someone who wants something' -1943 US War Department video


                  But it thought drugs cause no harm?

                  CrzyTuning now offering port services


                    Dude you gotta be careful, you only die once....Ive been there, woke up in a cop car, passed out, woke up in the hospital, passed out, woke up in a cop car, passed out. Next day woke in a mental institute. I shouldnt have lived, glad I did. I dont know you but glad youre still around. Drugs lead you no where...I just turned 29. For the past couple of years ive gotten better about what i do. Really for the past couple of years my only crutch has been a little weed here and there. Some reason though im beginning to feel that even that is one of my downfalls. If I think about it the only times I got arrested for something I was high off weed. Like I said Im getting older and im starting to realize I only live once, how I live my life is up to me. I wanna do it rite, I think hearing about you and what happened has only helped me remember why my life is as hard as it is now, and reminds me of all the things im still gonna do. Maybe you should consider these things as well. Like I said I dont know you but hearing this actually makes me care. If you need anything get at me.



                      If this is true, I wish you all the best.

                      How about forgetting all about the natural drugs too? Nothing good can come from using them.
                      Last edited by 90EX; 03-02-2008, 12:39 AM.


                        Well Mitch....I dont know what to say buddy. "Told ya so" seems to be the first thing that comes to mind, but i'll be nice, cuz aside from the drugs, i think youre an alright guy.

                        And i may be wrong, but i think this is the 2nd(if not more) thread about an OD causing you to quit.

                        Dont make me get all "Dr. Drew" on your ass cuz i will...and i am

                        chIo's correct in that, you being an addict, you NEED to stay away from EVERYTHING. Even alcohol. I know "youre an experiecned user" etc etc, but its the only way. There is life after addiction, and there are tons of ppl out there(and in here) who have live, live, and plan on living a drug/addiction-free life. Ive done it. Im doing it. I plan on doing it.

                        Shift_Your Focus.

                        Instead of getting high from drugs/alcohol, wrench on a car. Learn an instrument..(yes, even the skin-flute)

                        In all seriousness Mitch...nobody here, hopefully, wants to find out youre dead cuz of an OD, or from anything else. Do yourself, your family and friends here a HUGE favor. Let this be it.

                        I dunno about posts, ill look into that, but if its BS...not cool. Even if it is BS, this could happen to you. You should be lucky you got a 2nd(or 3rd or 4th) chance. Nto many ppl get those.

                        I really hope this is it for you Mitch...I really do.

                        KeepinItClean | EnviousFilms | NoBigDeal | YET2BSCENE | .· ` ' / ·. | click here.
                        Originally posted by Jarrett
                        Is there a goal you're trying to accomplish besides looking dope as hell?


                          Originally posted by Accrdkid
                          How do you overdoes and still manage to make a post just yesterday and the day before?

                          If you bsing about shit like that...not cool man.
                          lol im not bsing I didn't spend the night at the hospital I oded around noon 2 days ago got back that night.

                          I wouldn't BS about this thats not cool to even suggest that bro. I have had too many friends die from OD.

                          And yes this is my 3rd time overdosing only this is the only time I almost died.

                          Originally posted by d112crzy
                          But it thought drugs cause no harm?

                          All depends on the drugs some are harmless at low doses some can't kill you at all (weed) and some are horrible for you it all depends.

                          My advice to everyone thinking about doing drugs. Never do anything past pot and shrooms.

                          And im a opiate and cocaine addict not a alcoholic and yeah I couldn't get addicted to alcohol is has no withdrawl for me or hang over so im good.

                          And seriously people I od and you call BS on it? thats really fucked up I could post a picture of my hospital bracelet but I have nothing to prove to some people online if you don't like me leave my thread and don't talk shit please I didn't start any so don't come in my threads starting it. Slammed4thgen new I oded the night it happened as leave me the fuck alone.
                          Last edited by head4life; 03-02-2008, 01:25 AM.


                            You will always have doubters. I think it is outstanding how you can come on here and share your story, so others can learn from it and use it to their advantage. I agree that anything more than pot is dangerous. Pot is responsible for lots of good things, take a look back to the 60s and 70s, I mean there was a peace movement and tons of good music and artwork. anyways be safe dude.

                            "You've done more threatening prescription drugs..."
                            "the character of a man can be judged by how he takes his criticism"
                            "Quoting yourself is like, masturbation" -Starchland


                              I hope you have learned something and choose not to go back to it. I am glad you are still alive and able to see the ones that love you and care for you. You are one of the lucky ones.

                              Best of luck bro. I wish you the best.
                              3 CB's gone....
                              1 WK Overland....

                              Still miss the CB though......maybe one day.

