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My dogs, American Staffordshire Terriers

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    My dogs, American Staffordshire Terriers


    Last edited by lo-specials; 07-08-2007, 01:01 PM.

    Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

    Greetz Erwin
    My last ride

    Shakes and Fidget - The Game

    they are so cute, i especially love the picture of Kane. you said you had four cats, do you have pics of them?


      i'm not a fan of dog...
      but i have a buddy here...
      he said, " nice dog you got there?"

      ...........AE86-GTS: SOLD.................................................. ........CB7-DX: SOLD


        I've got pics of the cats, but i'll have to search for them.

        And this is how my car once looked like

        Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

        Greetz Erwin
        My last ride

        Shakes and Fidget - The Game


          wook at de cute wittle kitties and dogs...


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            they look kutessssssssss

            i m also master of fimiliar breed of your beasts

            i have one brindle half amstaff n pit(they are slightly different)
            and one staffordshire bull terrier(which is pretty rare in US)
            i see that u r in holland, r there lots of pitbull insident(bitin) in you area too..?

            i always wanted ask some1 from europe this question,
            are there lots of pit breed(i m not counting no fat bulldog breed) in europe.?
            i know that in some EU contries pits are banned...

            BC where i m from,
            SO CALifornia US
            there are many pits or mixs, and lots of irresponssible ownners who cant controll the dog.. let them dogs runn around free and shit always end of w/some1 getting maulllled and bad reps from daily new media
            do peeps give u dirtylooks if u walk around w/your pits..?

            i don care i m use to it...
            i some how learnd to enjoy it.. lolol
            by the way them pits of yours seems that they are well sociallized(by looking at pic where pits get arong w/cats)

            BC i know that my dog don have human agression, my dogs will rip them cats in pieces asap they see cats on there territory,
            i think BC my ex gurl friend had nasty white overweight persian or some $$$$ breed cat and when my dog were puppis, the cat use to slap them like it was his hobby,
            and fter i brok up w/ my ex i notice that my pits hate cats,

            my neigbors cat was killed lastyear
            BC he was going crazy BC heat(horny)
            and invaded my first son's territory, which is my back yard,
            they couldnt say anything

            BC peeps from next door complained sometimes about my am-staff+pit mix was barking too loud b4,
            but like you know pit breed they rarely bark(how bout yours?),
            they usually bark when they r hungry, thirsty, and whenever i go outside to bring them in to my hous little later than regualar time(usually i got bring them 10pm or little earier then that)

            they don bark they just go slurps on u or rips shit and bite, i hear warnnin bark rarely..

            anyways so i told them i think they are barking BC cats are comming over and dogs don like that,
            and they were like
            "no no my cats always stays inhaous at night"
            but i saw n heard them mating right on top or wall and shit

            so i told the lady, 'ok than i m gonna start leavin my dogs out til late nite',

            and i also told that i hope that her cats won marchin over my back yard like they own it ...right...

            few weeks after i had the talk, one mornin i went out to feed my sons, n i saw older one is already well fed, and younger one(all white STB) mouth area was all red, just like he ate stberry jelly by bottles, so i went to the dog haus to see if they caught mouse or somethin.. and

            +++++ there was, bloody remannin pieces of that cat that annoyed shit out of me n my sons

            but cat ownner couldnt say shit...
            they called cop,
            so cop came, asa cop stepped into my hous my dogs were friendly as hell to him, they brought the toy front of him and waiting for him to throw them so they can bring'um back for more plays...(they r super nice to human,even strasngers, unless i m in danger) he said "your dogs anr so nice, and incident happend in you property by them cats tresspassin so u(dog owner) wont have to worry about it
            after the cop stayed about 30mins to monitor thetemper of my sons,
            i told him

            "i have my pupps and think of them as companions(like sons) most of time but also they serve the duty of guardin n protectin the master which is mee, and they were doing their job"

            i also added
            "i know pits have bad rep all over the US but it just how owner trains the pit"
            and cop left w/o giving me any hardtime and the dump nextdorr couple moveed out after few month,
            OMG b4 they moved to other house, they tried to turn all neibors aganist me n my sons..
            but little kids who loved playin w/ my younger pupp(by stretching his face/making funny faces, tried to ride my pupp like he was horsiii) told their parents that my dogs are fine, no worrys,

            so after one neigbor meeting,
            after all the peeps checked my pupps temper,
            (i didnt have to agree to show them how my dogs are BC my pupps never did wrong, but i did it hoping pits gain some good rep)

            they had conclusion that my dogs are fine n well trained
            watch out for those peeps who just judge our dogs BC TV media pump them wrong info n reps

            by the numbers
            pit breed is not the breed that atk human most, you can see pits from very bottom of that list which is good, but we all gotta know and watch out for is that snap factor of pits and thier ability to finish the job
            if it was started somehow...

            have fun w/them n train them well..

            end of story
            Pls do not stick Type-R or DOHC Vtec stickers
            if you do not have'm under the hood...
            that just makes you SUPER


              kane has that fonky goofy face you can nevr say "no" to...

              my all white-SBT has funny goofy face too

              problems is when they were 10-15lb
              it was OK for them too run around haus like hell
              but after they passed 30-40lb range,
              they still think they are pocketsize pupps and whenever my pupps playin w/ his own trail by playin " catch the tail behind yo head"

              my haus become minisize dog gym,

              u pbly know already but
              we pit owners loves them fonky dogs...
              even if the white short fur fly all around and ruin your blk outfits and give you light allegy symthms..

              how old are they anyways...
              i think kane's gonna be force to rekon w/ when he fully grown.. lol
              Pls do not stick Type-R or DOHC Vtec stickers
              if you do not have'm under the hood...
              that just makes you SUPER


                To your first part, my girlfriend will answer it because she's more in to the dogs.

                But welcome to our Amstaff Puppy Gym!

                wanna loose weight, buy an Amstaff!

                Envy will be 2 years old next month and Kane will be 2 years old in August.

                And yours?
                Do you have pics of them?

                Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                Greetz Erwin
                My last ride

                Shakes and Fidget - The Game


                  My girlfriend says they're very cute.
                  Especially these 2 pics

                  Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                  Greetz Erwin
                  My last ride

                  Shakes and Fidget - The Game


                    my babues, my sons and guards

                    Originally posted by lo-specials
                    My girlfriend says they're very cute.
                    Especially these 2 pics

                    thank you for posting my babes pics, somehow i couldnt figure out how to put pic..
                    they are nice dogs but they will greet any intruders w/big mouth, strong jaws n sharp fangs, do don even try to come at ma pad

                    hey Lo-s do you train them weight pullin..?
                    if u are thinking about it than
                    about 2yrs of age will be perfact
                    BC that's when thier bone structure is most complete, and u gain muscle mass w/ weight pullin.. make the wide and hard!!!!
                    i just got small cart for my older pit, i m getting him some weight excersice.
                    get'em on pullin harness put some weight on cart, back off about 10-20 fts
                    wave he's fav snacks show him u have it, and he will rush to u to get it

                    my dogs love bacon strip and anything mixed w/ raw egg
                    Last edited by Allgonoshow; 03-22-2007, 07:22 PM.
                    Pls do not stick Type-R or DOHC Vtec stickers
                    if you do not have'm under the hood...
                    that just makes you SUPER


                      Weight pulling is illegal here in holland as well as Pitbulls. They are forbidden since 1993. The Amstaff is without the FCI paperwork and the pedigree illegal as well. Without the right paperwork they will be identified as pit and will be put down.

                      The following site is shocking but it shows what our gouvernment does with dogs without pedigree.

                      Dogs with spirit

                      Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                      Greetz Erwin
                      My last ride

                      Shakes and Fidget - The Game


                        thoes terriers look great, i love them pits and bulldogs mainly english!
                        Goo$e Creek stand up!

                        "SO IM AT IT AGAIN"


                          That's sucks, Pit Bulls arent bad dongs, its the people that train them to be that way that are...they are the ones that need to be put down!!!!!!!!!


                            if they are going to put the people down which train them the wrong way, I wanna be The Punisher.

                            Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                            Greetz Erwin
                            My last ride

                            Shakes and Fidget - The Game


                              New Pics

                              Last edited by lo-specials; 07-08-2007, 01:03 PM.

                              Your car is faster, I'm the better driver

                              Greetz Erwin
                              My last ride

                              Shakes and Fidget - The Game

