I dunno thought I would make this listing everyone in the specific cities and such so people could find each other if they needed help or so. If you dont feel like being on the list lemme know. Just lemme know if you wanna be added. This is just for reference for people around your area so if you guys wanna meet, shoot the shit, help each other out, and such. Sorry if I forgot your name or your sn. If you wanna be on the list just pm me your sn, name, location and I will put you on here.
Dallas/DFW/Fort Worth/Arlington:
1. NAiL05 - Nelson
2. 1993SE - Scott
3. 460sx - Jon
4. Gdout90Accord - Jon
5. 93cbh22 - Nick
6. Accordolictx - Courtney
7. Sheisanonymous - Shannon
8. Bboytrevstuh - Trevor (MILF HUNTER [mini black version])
9. Delsol11 - Dom
10. Backfire32 - Tim
11. Jdmcb791 - Koko
12. Smokinspeeds - Jeremiah
13. Trah - Tra
14. Palinix - Jay
15. Judonoh - Justin
16. da9b16 - Corey/Lee
17. JDMfre@k - Juan
18. apuforyou - Evan
19. jdog90 - juan
20. Lantis -
21. Cb7choler - Ricky
22. Curtietang - Curt
23. Mrhonda -
24. devilblue14 - Forrest
25. Vtecdreamer - John
26. DarkRidgeRacer - Gabe
27. luckyflip - Nick
28. cb7_addict - Phillip
29. chrischhorn - chris
30. Numba1Hater - Keaston
31. Djmoua - Alex
32. TEXAS_CB7_25 - Byron
33. Mydianaz06
34. itzbrian - brian
35. marquisdee1018- marquis
36. Jose Campos - Leo
37. jmolina
38. Accord214- Lupe
39. blackenwkn- Evan
San Antonio:
1. Boostlee - Lee
2. djcaz_aom - Alex -Moved
3. cb7pr - Nelson
4. cb7 dohc - Teddy
5. pninja82 - Pete
6. Aeromech - John
7. JDM_CB7_TX - Eric
8. JaiBeezy DnB - Jerrell
9. topcop182 - Ben
10. mIsS♥aCcORd_210 - Jenn
11. cpl_hero -
12. nighthawk - Brian
13. Edgarcb7 - Edgar
14. TheTempest - Brandon
15. AccordXRacer - Omar
16. rudimentary
17. KB7Acoord - Ken
San Angelo
1. Fzzy285 - Forrest
1. bakedaccord_90 - Danny
College Station
1. Jarrett
1. f22a4bandit - Josh
2, Avendi - Tyler
3. 460sx - Jon
4. 91_Accord - Huger
5. baracuda - Aaron
6. Nerocb7
7. jova1993cb - Johnny
8. foamypirate
1. Bowzil - Boy - moved back to indo
2. Cooneyb81 - Billy
3. Kyle -
4. 93_cb7_ex - Juan
5. drews90ex - Drew
6. dean_harryman -
7. j stuff -
8. ap716 -
9. wlfpck - Jerry
10. TexasBoi19 -
11. RacingEmotions - Lee
12. Black Spider -
13. Houston93CB7SE
14. Cloudasc
15. 90-91accorddx
16. 10k
17. hauler_asser
1. SpdJnky93 - Sam
2. 1993accord - Kris
1. Midnightrayne - Val
2. sohc_em - David
3. DaBzzMn - Benton
1. head4life - Mitch aka Poncho
El Paso
1. SuperTuner12010 - Derek
Corpus Christi
1. ThrakBarts - Nathan
New Braunfels
1. Jmintz - Juan
1. ebethonda91
1. DjM_coupe
Dallas/DFW/Fort Worth/Arlington:
1. NAiL05 - Nelson
2. 1993SE - Scott
3. 460sx - Jon
4. Gdout90Accord - Jon
5. 93cbh22 - Nick
6. Accordolictx - Courtney
7. Sheisanonymous - Shannon
8. Bboytrevstuh - Trevor (MILF HUNTER [mini black version])
9. Delsol11 - Dom
10. Backfire32 - Tim
11. Jdmcb791 - Koko
12. Smokinspeeds - Jeremiah
13. Trah - Tra
14. Palinix - Jay
15. Judonoh - Justin
16. da9b16 - Corey/Lee
17. JDMfre@k - Juan
18. apuforyou - Evan
19. jdog90 - juan
20. Lantis -
21. Cb7choler - Ricky
22. Curtietang - Curt
23. Mrhonda -
24. devilblue14 - Forrest
25. Vtecdreamer - John
26. DarkRidgeRacer - Gabe
27. luckyflip - Nick
28. cb7_addict - Phillip
29. chrischhorn - chris
30. Numba1Hater - Keaston
31. Djmoua - Alex
32. TEXAS_CB7_25 - Byron
33. Mydianaz06
34. itzbrian - brian
35. marquisdee1018- marquis
36. Jose Campos - Leo
37. jmolina
38. Accord214- Lupe
39. blackenwkn- Evan
San Antonio:
1. Boostlee - Lee
2. djcaz_aom - Alex -Moved
3. cb7pr - Nelson
4. cb7 dohc - Teddy
5. pninja82 - Pete
6. Aeromech - John
7. JDM_CB7_TX - Eric
8. JaiBeezy DnB - Jerrell
9. topcop182 - Ben
10. mIsS♥aCcORd_210 - Jenn
11. cpl_hero -
12. nighthawk - Brian
13. Edgarcb7 - Edgar
14. TheTempest - Brandon
15. AccordXRacer - Omar
16. rudimentary
17. KB7Acoord - Ken
San Angelo
1. Fzzy285 - Forrest
1. bakedaccord_90 - Danny
College Station
1. Jarrett
1. f22a4bandit - Josh
2, Avendi - Tyler
3. 460sx - Jon
4. 91_Accord - Huger
5. baracuda - Aaron
6. Nerocb7
7. jova1993cb - Johnny
8. foamypirate
1. Bowzil - Boy - moved back to indo
2. Cooneyb81 - Billy
3. Kyle -
4. 93_cb7_ex - Juan
5. drews90ex - Drew
6. dean_harryman -
7. j stuff -
8. ap716 -
9. wlfpck - Jerry
10. TexasBoi19 -
11. RacingEmotions - Lee
12. Black Spider -
13. Houston93CB7SE
14. Cloudasc
15. 90-91accorddx
16. 10k
17. hauler_asser
1. SpdJnky93 - Sam
2. 1993accord - Kris
1. Midnightrayne - Val
2. sohc_em - David
3. DaBzzMn - Benton
1. head4life - Mitch aka Poncho
El Paso
1. SuperTuner12010 - Derek
Corpus Christi
1. ThrakBarts - Nathan
New Braunfels
1. Jmintz - Juan
1. ebethonda91
1. DjM_coupe